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I Need My Quiet Time, and You Do Too

I am not okay if I don’t have my quiet time each day. Time to get quiet with my own thoughts and feelings. Time to process or decompress. Time to just be, with no demands or pull for my time and attention.


And I don’t need anything special during my quiet time. Just a quiet space, maybe some Tea, definitely my Bible, and maybe a journal and pen, incase I’m moved to jot anything down.


Can you relate to this?


I feel like this is pretty universal for moms, for wives, for any woman because no matter our family make-up, we all tend to have huge demands on our lives.


And yes, just in case you’re wondering, I am an introvert. But I honestly believe the need for quiet time crosses the division between introvert and extrovert. If you have a soul and multiple responsibilities, you need quiet time.


And here’s what I’ve noticed when I don’t observe this time each day, because we all know how fast the responsibilities and demands in our lives can swoop in and steal all of our time, I struggle.  I struggle with:


o  Moodiness – From one minute to the next I can be super friendly and talkative to withdrawn and annoyed by your presence.


o  Impatience – The longer I have to wait to enjoy my solitude time, the more impatient I feel on the inside, and the more it is expressed towards the people around me.


o  Grouchiness – Irritability quickly sets in when I feel like I am being pressed from all sides, with no room to think or breathe.


o  Anger – I find myself easily angered when I don’t regularly decompress and meet with God.


o  Frustration – I’m not my normal joyful self during this time. I feel frustrated and discontent.


My character takes a nosedive because I didn’t have the time I needed to be with myself. To be alone with God.


The truth is, a lack of quiet time steals my peace and slowly disintegrates my joy. So, I aim to have quiet time every day, and when I do, me and everyone around me, are the better for it.


Quiet Time Refreshes and Restores My Soul


As I’m sure yours are too, my days are busy. Between work and family responsibilities, life often feels jam packed. There’s just so much to do.


But I’ve learned that it’s during the quiet time that I am able to step away from all of that, and just breathe. I’m able to step away from all of the noise, because life is so loud, and focus on the voice that really matters.


He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

(Ps 23:2-3amp)


When I enjoy quiet time, away from the loudness and hurriedness of life, just as God intended for me to, He refreshes and restores my soul. I experience:


Sand and water

·      Peace. I’m no longer drowning in the hecticness that swirls around in our day. Like David, in Psalms 23, I am led to stillness and quietness.


·      Clarity. The voices that seem to always be rushing at me from this person and that person are halted. I’m able to distinguish my own thoughts. I’m able to discern what it is I want; what it is I need.


·      Jesus. Of course, Jesus is always with me, but it is during the quiet time that I am able to feel His presence the strongest, and able to hear his voice, inside of my heart, the loudest.


·      Wisdom. I gain insight into what is most important. Because the truth is, during the course of a busy day, which seems to be most days, everything appears to be a big deal; everything vies for our attention.


·      Strength. My energy level gets a pick me up. Where I may have been dragging through the day, feeling overwhelmed and tired, I now have the energy to get things done.


A day without quiet time, feels like a day in my own strength. That can only take me so far. But a day with quiet time, feels like a day with me being led beside the still and quiet waters; and oh, what a difference it makes.


Quiet Time enables Me to Hear the Voice of God and Connect with Him


One of the reasons why a lack of quiet time feels so detrimental to me is because in my quiet time, is also where I get quiet with God, hear from Him, and spend quality time with Him as well.


It’s not just about pushing everyone to the side so I can have time to myself. It’s about meeting with my Creator that day, and receiving the love and all that I need from Him to keep my spirit full and my heart and mind on the right track.


Matthew 14:23 and Mark 1:35 talks about Jesus retreating to solitude areas to pray and be alone. If Jesus needed and valued His quiet time, His time alone with the Father, how much more do we need it?


I found that, like Jesus, the staples of my quiet time are prayer and reading the Bible. But at times I also enjoy:


  •   Being still, and just quietly laying before Holy God, allowing His love to wash over me, and allowing Him the opportunity to speak to my heart.


  •   Reading faith-based books, or even fiction books at times. Whatever calms and refreshes my soul in that moment.


  •   Listening to podcasts or bible teachings that help me grow spiritually and improve in different areas of my life.


  •   Journaling my thoughts, feelings, and prayers.


  •   Taking a nap, because sometimes it is just what your body and your mental health needs.


The wonderful thing about God is, when we make time for Him, He enlightens us to, just what it is we need in that moment to refresh us. As I pointed out, it can vary. But He knows us perfectly, and He knows how to give us the rest that we need physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Scenic view of water, trees, and rocky hills

I hope your heart is stirred to find the time each day to enjoy quiet time. That special time to be alone with God and yourself. We are bombarded with a lot each day. There is so much going on in our personal lives, and the world around us. We all deserve the time to step away from the craziness of life, and find rest for our weary souls.



“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30).


What a sweet invitation Jesus offers us, to release unto Him whatever is weighing us down mentally and emotionally. I don’t know about you, but I’ve needed to take Him up on this offer time and time again. Sometimes, life feels heavy, and it’s so comforting to have someone who is willing to take the weight of it onto themselves.


If you are tired, overwhelmed, anxious, worried, fearful, or stressed to the max, it’s time to turn to Jesus. He is right there, standing at the door of your heart, waiting to help you. Will you let Him in today?


Peace be with you today, and always.


I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s blog! I enjoy sharing content that help women live a life they truly love, because I know what it’s like to be living your life, but not loving your life. I know what’s it’s like to pour all of yourself into others, while your passions and your purpose remains unfulfilled.

I wrote my new book, Building Your Life from the Ground Up and Creating a Life You Love, to come alongside the woman who feels like something is missing in her life, who feels like she wants more out of life, but doesn’t even know where to begin to bring about those changes.

If that sounds like you, I invite you to sample my new book, Building Your Life from the Ground Up and Creating a Life You Love. You can find it here:


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