Women Pursuing Peace
Women Pursuing Peace is an outpour to all women, of what God in His goodness and mercy has poured into me. Thank you for your support!
Monica is wife to her husband Eric of 20 plus years and mom to her four amazing children. She loves spending time with her family, traveling, reading, and writing, but there is nothing or no one she loves more than Jesus.
Her love and passion for Jesus, and the Word of God, has transformed her life; and inspired her to share the love and truth of Christ with others, so that their lives can be transformed as well.
Monica’s passion to see other women grow in peace and learn to live a life they love, both of which she struggled with for years, and do it all through a growing relationship with the Prince of Peace, led her to create Women Pursuing Peace, an online ministry for women.
She has also recently written her first book, Building Your Life from the Ground Up and Creating a Life You Love . It is her hope that this book will meet women in their pain, in their disappointment, in their struggles with insecurity, depression, and the likes; and give them the truth and guidance they need to rebuild their lives, and create a life they aren’t just living, but a life they truly love.